CS144's user-space TCP library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAddressWrapper around IPv4 addresses and DNS operations
 CRawWrapper around sockaddr_storage
 CBufferA reference-counted read-only string that can discard bytes from the front
 CBufferListA reference-counted discontiguous string that can discard bytes from the front
 CBufferViewListA non-owning temporary view (similar to std::string_view) of a discontiguous string
 CByteStreamAn in-order byte stream
 CEventLoopWaits for events on file descriptors and executes corresponding callbacks
 CRuleSpecifies a condition and callback that an EventLoop should handle
 CFileDescriptorA reference-counted handle to a file descriptor
 CFDWrapperA handle on a kernel file descriptor
 Cgai_error_categoryError category for getaddrinfo and getnameinfo failures
 CInternetChecksumThe internet checksum algorithm
 CLocalStreamSocketA wrapper around Unix-domain stream sockets
 CSocketBase class for network sockets (TCP, UDP, etc.)
 Ctagged_errorStd::system_error plus the name of what was being attempted
 CTapFDA FileDescriptor to a Linux TAP device
 CTCPSocketA wrapper around TCP sockets
 CTunFDA FileDescriptor to a Linux TUN device
 CTunTapFDA FileDescriptor to a Linux TUN/TAP device
 CUDPSocketA wrapper around UDP sockets
 Creceived_datagramReturned by UDPSocket::recv; carries received data and information about the sender
 Cunix_errorTagged_error for syscalls