CS144's user-space TCP library
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef SPONGE_LIBSPONGE_TCP_CONFIG_HH
static constexpr size_t MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE
Max TCP payload that fits in either IPv4 or UDP datagram.
static constexpr unsigned MAX_RETX_ATTEMPTS
Maximum re-transmit attempts before giving up.
Wrapper around IPv4 addresses and DNS operations.
uint16_t loss_rate_up
Uplink loss rate (for LossyFdAdapter)
Config for classes derived from FdAdapter.
uint16_t loss_rate_dn
Downlink loss rate (for LossyFdAdapter)
size_t send_capacity
Sender capacity, in bytes.
Address source
Source address and port.
uint16_t rt_timeout
Initial value of the retransmission timeout, in milliseconds.
Config for TCP sender and receiver.
size_t recv_capacity
Receive capacity, in bytes.
Address destination
Destination address and port.
static constexpr uint16_t TIMEOUT_DFLT
Default re-transmit timeout is 1 second.
std::optional< WrappingInt32 > fixed_isn
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY
Default capacity.